Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Genealogical Revolution!

As I have been venturing down the path of my genealogical background I have come to learn how pivotal my families roles were in the forming of  not only the Unite States, but Canada as well. I was just recently able to chase down my Canadian ties. I have always been a fan of the beautiful country to the north so seeing how much my family did to help settle the country was awesome.

I just recently discovered on one side of my family I am a great niece (a lot of times removed) from George Washington!!! Pretty cool fact. Even cooler is from my mothers side I am related to the guy who secured the boats for the crossing of the Delaware. It's actually very cool to see how many times lines of my families have crossed throughout history whether as friends or foes. I also had members of my direct lines fight in almost every war since there were less than thirteen colonies!

I think knowing how many of my grandfathers served in these wars it made history so much more real. I can picture the men who made me freezing in torn clothes fighting for their independence to live how they chose. My great grandmothers were once young women waiting for their husbands to return to them. Sometimes they never did. It's crazy to think of the sacrifices these people made to create the country I now live in so many decades later. I only hope they would approve of the way I live and that I don't take those sacrifices for granted.

I think the further I dig into my past the more these people really come to life. It's been an eye opening experience. Happy fourth of July from me and my grandparents who celebrated the very first Independence day. Happy 150th birthday Canada from myself and my family who also helped shaped your beautiful country.

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